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Edisco American Whiskey!
Edisco is among the top 5 most awarded whiskeys in North America, and we continue to spread our speakeasy spirit to those who dare to be themselves.
We use premium ingredients starting with Non-GMO American Winter Wheat for the ultimate balance of flavor and finish.
Our original flagship whiskey sparked an underground revolution. A hundred years later, Edisco is one of the most popular whiskeys in America.
Non-GMO American Winter Wheat | 100 proof
Best enjoyed served neat or over ice, and also pairsperfectly with a mixer or as a cocktail base
Caramel, vanilla, and a touch of cinnamon striking theperfect balance of rich flavor with a velvet smooth finish
Caramel, butterscotch, and vanilla
Amber, with chestnut hues.
Aged 3 years in specially charred American Oakbarrels locking in a delicious,
marshmallow softness
Edisco is for the rule breakers and the change makers. For those who won’t settle for the status quo. It is for the brave and for the wild. For all those who can’t be controlled, those on the outskirts, those with a creative fire and desire for more. For those who aren’t afraid to do things their own way. For those who desire quality and a drink as close to perfection as man can achieve.
Edisco is for
the rule breakers and the change makers. For those who won’t settle for the status quo. It is for the brave and for the wild. For all those who can’t be controlled, those on the outskirts, those with a creative fire and desire for more. For those who aren’t afraid to do things their own way. For those who desire quality and a drink as close to perfection as man can achieve.
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